Our Team

Julia Sims, MME, MT-BC

A born and raised Texas girl, Julia began her higher education at the University of Oklahoma where she received her bachelor's degree in Music Education, with a minor in psychology. In the Fall of 2014, Julia decided to continue on with higher education and moved to Lawrence, Kansas. Here, she spent three years at the University of Kansas learning not only how to help others using the elements of music, but also discovering both of her passions for research and advancing the field of music therapy.


At the University of Kansas, Julia gained clinical experience with the following populations:

  • Toddlers with developmental disabilities

  • Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities

  • Adults with neurologic disorders

  • Adolescents with mood and anxiety disorders

  • Well older adults at a senior living facility

  • At-risk toddlers attending a daycare program


In addition to providing services to these populations, Julia spent 6-months interning at Ozanam, a non-profit residential treatment facility in Kansas City. Here, Julia worked with at-risk adolescents who had emotional and behavioral disorders, and had experienced varying levels of trauma. Julia was fortunate to have a music therapy supervisor that guided her towards learning about and utilizing music therapy interventions such as: rap therapy, songwriting as a coping skill, music lessons as a coping skill, adapted cover band rehearsals, and group drumming.


In May of 2017, Julia graduated from the University of Kansas with a Master's degree in music therapy. Soon after, she moved back to her hometown in the Parker County area, where she currently built her private practice, Wildflower Music Therapy. Julia currently lives in Fort Worth with her fiancé Stephen, and their two rescue pups, Maggie & Lucy.